Kelly Anlas

Kelly Anlas


Dev Manager, Analytics (FinTech)

Subject area(s) of study:

  • Application Architecture
  • Technical Project Management

What prompted you to chose your career path, and when did the door first open?

My first two years of college I bounced around in various Liberal Arts majors. The summer before my junior year I took a computer science course to fill a requirement. I happened to have the one woman professor in the department, and after two weeks she pulled me aside and told me, "You're going to switch majors. We need more women in the field, you're going to be great at this, and you'll make a ton of money." I took her word and never looked back.

Possible career paths based on Kelly's subject area(s) of study:

  • Software engineering
  • Application architect
  • Project management 
  • Management

What are a few networking events, channels you'd recommend?

Kelly's Picks: more resources & materials to help get you to the next step...

What certificates or degrees do you recommend for someone pursuing a career in IT?